
The Adams County Auditor's Office

June 2020 Primary

All Adams County voters will vote on election day at the Corning Community Center. Polling sites will be open for the June 2 primary election. In Adams County, all polling locations will be combined to one with that location being the Corning Community Center.  .  Curbside voting is an option for Iowans with disabilities, those who might have trouble entering a polling place, and Iowans who are in the Center for Disease Control’s at-risk population for COVID-19.  The Auditor’s Office encourages voters to vote by absentee.

View Sample Ballot

Voter Registration

To vote in Iowa, you must be registered to vote. To qualify to register to vote, you must be:

  • A U.S. citizen
  • An Iowa resident
  • At least 17 years old
  • A person may vote if they will be 18 years old on or before election day.
  • In the case of primary elections, a person may vote if they will be 18 years old on or before the corresponding regular election

You can learn about registering to vote online at the Secretary of State website. You may also register to vote by downloading and completing a voter registration application and returning it to the Adams County Auditor's Office.

Registration Application
Precinct map

Election Precincts

This map was prepared by the Secretary of State’s office based on 2010 federal decennial Census Bureau boundary information and the city and county re-precincting plans approved by the Secretary of State’s office.This map became effective January 15, 2012. Political subdivision boundaries may differ from those reflected here for a number of reasons. Check with the county auditor or city clerk for official precinct information.


Precinct 1

Precinct Code: A1 / Supervisor: Douglas Birt / Polling Place: Corning Community Center

Corning Ward 1
All that portion of the City lying south of a line along the centerline of Eighth Street where it meets the western corporate limits, then east to the centerline of Nodaway, thence one block south to the centerline of Seventh Street, thence east to the centerline of Adams Street, thence one block north to centerline of Eighth Street, thence east along centerline of Eighth Street to the centerline of Highway 148, thence south along the centerline of Highway 148 to the railroad line, thence east along the railroad line to the corporate line;
all that portion of Quincy Township south and east of the centerline of the Corning-Carl Road (N53);
all that portion of Prescott Township east of the Corning-Carl Road and west of Quince Avenue (N61) (excluding the Town of Prescott)
all that portion of Jasper Township east of Highway 148 and north of 240th Street.


Precinct 2

Precinct Code: A2 / Supervisor: Merlin R. Dixon / Polling Place: Corning Public Library

Corning Ward 2
All that portion of the City lying north of a line along the centerline of Eighth Street where it meets the western corporate limits, then east to the centerline of Nodaway, thence one block south to the centerline of Seventh Street, thence east to the centerline of Adams Street, thence one block north to centerline of Eighth Street, thence east along centerline of Eighth Street to the centerline of Highway 148, thence south along the centerline of Highway 148 to the railroad line, thence east along the railroad line to the corporate line and south of the west corporate limits of intersection of Joshua Tree Avenue and Hull Street to the centerline of Ninth Street, thence east along centerline of Ninth Street, thence north on the centerline of Loomis Avenue to the centerline of Westgate Drive, thence east along the centerline of Twelfth Street to the centerline of Grove Avenue, thence north to the centerline of Thirteenth Street, thence east along the centerline of Thirteenth Street to the centerline of Quincy Avenue, thence one block south to the centerline of Twelfth Street, thence east along the centerline of Twelfth Street, thence to centerline of John Street north to the centerline of Fifteenth Street, thence east to the corporate line;
all that portion of Jasper Township west of the centerline of Highway 148 and south of the centerline of 240th Street,
all that portion of Nodaway Township east of the centerlines of Fig and Elm Avenues;
all that portion of Quincy Township south of the centerline of 210th Street (H34).


Precinct 3

Precinct Code: A3 / Supervisor: Scott Akin / Polling Place: Redeemer Lutheran Church

Corning Ward 3
All that portion of the City lying north of the centerline of Hull Street from the west corporate limit at 1400 Hull Street to the centerline of Ninth Street, thence east along the centerline of Ninth Street to the centerline of Loomis Avenue, thence north on the centerline of Loomis Avenue to the centerline of Westgate Drive, thence east along the centerline of Westgate Drive and continuing along the centerline of Twelfth Street to the centerline of Grove Avenue, thence north to the centerline of Thirteenth Street, thence east to the centerline of Quincy Avenue, thence south one block to centerline of Twelfth Street, thence east on Twelfth Street to the centerline of John Street thence north to the centerline of Fifteenth Street, thence east to the corporate limits;

all that portion of Quincy Township north of the centerline of 210th Street (H34) and north and west of the centerline of the Corning-Carl Road;
all that portion of Douglas Township east and north of 210th Street (N34) and the centerline of Elm Street;
all of the City of Carbon;
all that portion of Prescott Township west of the centerline of the Corning-Carl Road


Precinct 4

Precinct Code: A4 / Supervisor: Leland Shipley  / Polling Place: Nodaway Community Center

All of the City of Nodaway;
all that portion of Nodaway Township west of the centerlines of Fig and Elm Avenues;
all that portion of Douglas Township west and south of the centerlines of 210th Street (N34) and Elm Avenue;
all of Lincoln Township;
all of Washington Township;
all of Carl Township;
all of that portion of Colony Township north of the centerline of 150th Street (H24) to Walnut Avenue and west of the centerline of Walnut Avenue to the centerline of 120th Street and north of the centerline of 120th Street to the county line.


Precinct 5

Precinct Code: A5 / Supervisor: Bobbi Baker-Maynes / Polling Place: Prescott City Hall

All of Mercer Township;
all of Grant Township;
all of Union Township;
all of Prescott Township east of the centerline of Quince Avenue;
all of the City of Prescott;
all that portion of Colony Township that lies south of the centerline of 150th Street (H24) to the centerline of Walnut Avenue and east of the centerline of Walnut Avenue to 120th Street and south of the centerline of 120th Street to the county line.

Election Results

Adams County Special Election for Creston and Lexon School Districts
March 3, 2020
Official Results
Adams County City School Election
November 5, 2019
Official Results
City of Prescot Special Election
July 23, 2019
Official Results
Adams County Special Election Supervisor 5th District
April 9, 2019
Official Results
Adams County General Election
November 6, 2018
Official Results
Adams County City Election
November 7, 2017
Official Results
Precinct map

Adams County Auditor

Rebecca Bissell

Adams County Auditor

Jennifer Shires

Deputy Auditor

Nancy Turner

Election/Real Estate Clerk
Phone: (641) 322-3340
Fax: (641) 322-4647

The Adams County Auditor keeps and maintains county’s permanent financial records and works closely with all elected officials and department heads to ensure that their records are accurate and within the guidelines of the Code of Iowa.


The Adams County Auditor’s Office is a passport acceptance agency for the U.S. Department of State Federal Passport Agency. The friendly and knowledgeable staff at the Auditor’s Office can assist U.S. citizens, who meet the passport application requirements, with obtaining a U.S. Passport Book and/or Passport Card.

Public Records

Public information regarding budgets, taxes, expenditures, elections, and meetings of the Board of Supervisors is available at the Adams County Auditor’s Office and is open to public inspection during regular office hours

Additional Roles

  • Schedules and posts Board of Supervisors’ agenda
  • Records and preserves Board Meeting Minutes and publishes all proceedings in county newspaper
  • Provides public access to Board minutes, plat & transfer books, and assessments.
  • Processes real estate transfers & owner names changes for tax statements
  • Distributes policies, ordinances, & other county publications
  • Performs and maintains accounting & payroll functions for all county departments
  • Prepares Adams County’s annual financial report
  • Prepares the annual county budget
  • Audits budgets for all other local jurisdictions — schools, cities, and townships
  • Calculates tax rates and property taxes
  • Registers voters and maintains all voter registration records
  • Issues absentee ballots
  • Prepares and supervises the printing of ballots
  • Trains election workers
  • Conducts elections
  • Issues Beer and Liquor licenses in Adams County
  • Sells Plat Books and maps